The Schedule of Civil Servant Recruitment in West Sulawesi will be Announced Next Week – The Indonesian Civil Service Agency (BKN) will hold a joint meeting with the Provincial Civil Service Agency (BKD) in Makassar, on Wednesday, September 12th next week. The meeting is going to discuss the terms and schedule that must be fulfilled by Candidates of Civil Servants (CPNS) in 2018.

“We have not talk about a requirement, yet. We’re just talking about formations. Becaise there are some steps when we talk about terms. We have not had a meeting with BKN , yet, including technical guidelines with BKN, “said the Head of the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) of West Sulawesi Province, Amujib to via telephone on Saturday (08/09/2018).



Amujid asked the people of West Sulawesi to be patient. Because the meeting itself will be just held next Wednesday.

“We don’t know yet what the terms are. Don’t pretend. It could be wrong. After the meeting we will announce how to enter to the BKN website, “he said.

He also said there was only one trustworthy portal, the BKN portal. “The others are not references.”

Journalist: Sudirman Syarif